Curious as to whether or not these issues matter or speak to anyone in relation to the current status of the U.S.A.'s health care system?
We now spend over 15.3% of our GDP on Health care in this country! No country even comes close! And yet our quality of health care isn't even in the top 30 of the 190 countries, compared worldwide. Kind of makes you wonder what our health EVER had to do with insurance! At least Blue Cross/Blue Shield, Aetna, Cigna & Kaiser Permanenta are healthy and happy!
And we all agree we would rather trust them (4 CEO's) rather than the publicly elected U.S. Government; since, after all, we have NEVER been able to trust it for anything! Such as our armed service, local and international protection, transportation, freedom, constitution, etc...
I wonder who is influencing us the most?? The current health care capitalist or the political system?
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Still with the ACORN! Incredible...
The two most official or legitimate claims that can EVER be made, where related to Obama during his adult life and ACORN are as follows.
1.) President Obama represented ACORN in a 1994 suit against redlining.
If President Obama is 46 now, that made him 31 and relatively "fresh" out of law school by a couple of years (or 4-5), and probably very eager to represent any national organization during a suit involving another large company. The pay would have been vary good and the marketing would definitely pay off when hoping to represent other large organization and company's in the future if he did well.
2.) The Democratic National Committee hired, CSI or Citizens Services Incorporated, a non-profit Association of Community Organizers for a "Reform" campaign intended to increase voter turnout was hired during the 2008 presidential election campaign. (This group is said to be a subsidiary of ACORN) And CSI ultimately only received $375.000 of the $800,000 the Democratic National Committee intended to spend with them for their "Get out the Vote" street pedaling of fliers and door to door handouts.
If you want to hire thousands of "instantly" available folks to go door to door in numerous states across the country, which other organizations do you suggest calling? Perhaps it would be much more encouraging if their were many more. substantially more ethical choice to pursue. Especially those who were more comfortable heading into minority neighborhoods, and perhaps more important didn't merely concentrate on those markets and demographics, but also had a much broader, and again more honest, approach. But what difference does $375,000 really make in a campaign expenditure exceeding $100,000,000
There is often a 3rd mention of involvement with ACORN for Obama from his 20's; when, shame on him! ...he was also associated with a large group of volunteer's and other paid staff members who were working on the “Project Vote” campaign, which was started as one of ACORN’s many voter registration drives.
Obama worked for this "Project Vote" for a period of roughly seven months in 1992. And I admit, I am truly baffled as to what negative sentiment this implies of a man approaching 50, when back in his twenty's he was working side by side with folks trying to encourage a "get out and vote" type of campaign. Even if we have now learned 16 years later that this organization has gone to pot, is it really some Twenty year old's fault, or a negative reflection on him? We are some desperate folks if we think connecting dots like this are worthy of our time!
So each person must ask themselves:
Do these two past professional consultations, and/or stints of involvements using a related subsidiary, and representing a 15 year old case ACORN filled against another firm really justify the bazaar and belligerent connection and so called "reporting" which is somehow transposed on our President as if there is rationally some more clandestine relationship or in anyway some method by which ACORN actually influences his Presidency?
Typical commentary on the matter!
Typical Fox video on the matter...
1.) President Obama represented ACORN in a 1994 suit against redlining.
If President Obama is 46 now, that made him 31 and relatively "fresh" out of law school by a couple of years (or 4-5), and probably very eager to represent any national organization during a suit involving another large company. The pay would have been vary good and the marketing would definitely pay off when hoping to represent other large organization and company's in the future if he did well.
2.) The Democratic National Committee hired, CSI or Citizens Services Incorporated, a non-profit Association of Community Organizers for a "Reform" campaign intended to increase voter turnout was hired during the 2008 presidential election campaign. (This group is said to be a subsidiary of ACORN) And CSI ultimately only received $375.000 of the $800,000 the Democratic National Committee intended to spend with them for their "Get out the Vote" street pedaling of fliers and door to door handouts.
If you want to hire thousands of "instantly" available folks to go door to door in numerous states across the country, which other organizations do you suggest calling? Perhaps it would be much more encouraging if their were many more. substantially more ethical choice to pursue. Especially those who were more comfortable heading into minority neighborhoods, and perhaps more important didn't merely concentrate on those markets and demographics, but also had a much broader, and again more honest, approach. But what difference does $375,000 really make in a campaign expenditure exceeding $100,000,000
There is often a 3rd mention of involvement with ACORN for Obama from his 20's; when, shame on him! ...he was also associated with a large group of volunteer's and other paid staff members who were working on the “Project Vote” campaign, which was started as one of ACORN’s many voter registration drives.
Obama worked for this "Project Vote" for a period of roughly seven months in 1992. And I admit, I am truly baffled as to what negative sentiment this implies of a man approaching 50, when back in his twenty's he was working side by side with folks trying to encourage a "get out and vote" type of campaign. Even if we have now learned 16 years later that this organization has gone to pot, is it really some Twenty year old's fault, or a negative reflection on him? We are some desperate folks if we think connecting dots like this are worthy of our time!
So each person must ask themselves:
Do these two past professional consultations, and/or stints of involvements using a related subsidiary, and representing a 15 year old case ACORN filled against another firm really justify the bazaar and belligerent connection and so called "reporting" which is somehow transposed on our President as if there is rationally some more clandestine relationship or in anyway some method by which ACORN actually influences his Presidency?
Typical commentary on the matter!
Typical Fox video on the matter...
Still with the ACORN! Incredible...
Thursday, April 16, 2009
How misdirected energy will be the death of capitalism!
Recently a close friend of mine and I were having a long distant email exchange, talking about the motivations of those attending the April 15th 2009 "TEA Party" demonstrations.
I opened up the discussion with my following thoughts; "I'm worried my Facebook wall is too often serving as a blog! Sorry for all the political statements... But it is far better to talk here than listen to Fox, CNN or MSNBC... 24 hours news media has truly become a hoax of trying to blather on for 18 hours a day while selling ads; in hopes that the American population actually thinks they are learning something! Man, we are truly a naive bunch of folks sometimes..."
I additionally reposted a link from my March Facebook wall with the following explanation, "I originally shared this link back in March. See what you think? I am personally embarrassed for the number of my own friends whom participated in various "TEA party" demonstrations yesterday. Fox news is breading some REAL naive individuals!
I hope my friends are at least buying the products sponsoring the shows Fox is airing. Someone ought to be benefiting. It sure isn't the overall intelligence of our society.
I included the following quote on my original posting:
"When I saw this movie last summer my eyes were truly opened!
It explains things in a way no reporter, politician, teacher or publication ever has! Brilliant, simple and sobering... -MH"
This movie is now out on DVD!
I suggest anyone confused about taxes or our debt or the countries we are going further into the hole with, instead of paying for our own luxuries, watch it...
And please, someone research the difference between the cost of our Federal government and the funds being circulated as so called "bail outs"."
They responded with, "The point of the Tea Parties is to express disgust for the debt, for the out-of-control spending, for the so-called representatives who have become unprincipled crooks, for the bailouts and for feeling like they are not being "heard" by said crooks. (And then in a cruel twist of irony, Obama's press secretary states that he "doesn't even know if Obama knew about they tea parties.")
Contrary to what is being played out on the news channels, the feeling I got was not "Anti-Tax," but rather "Anti-debt." Isn't that what you are trying to say, as well? You are anti-debt?"
I thank most folks anger and seeming frustration with having a Democrat in the office is currently, SERIOUSLY misdirected. Correction, completely misdirected! Unfortunately, most folks/voters just weren't paying attention over the last eight years. However, they neither want to admit this, nor would dare admit prior to the house of cards being built and caving in, they were "asleep at the wheel".
(Side note: It is so bazaar to me with the feedom to do anythign we wish we have gravitated to a two party system we feel is representative of 360,000,000 opinions! Really? Two sets of values and opinions for 360 million minds and hearts?)
Early last year (2008), I kept hoping for a Ross Perot of 16 years ago to surface, (bare with me,) someone to simply "wake up" either party which had a realistic chance of winning. I wanted someone to find the courage and inspiration to address the REAL issues, and present a candidacy with the energy and intelligence to tackle the actual catastrophic problems underpinning America's bleak future.
I had no idea the private sector's financial markets would serve as just such a wake-up call only weeks prior to November. So this embarrassing issue of greed and corruptions in the private sector also gave rise to America's belated awareness or responsiveness, and unfortunately hurt our ferocious pride, as people attempted to get energized in the final weeks of voting on so many other unrelated macroeconomic issues. Well, at least I got my wish of getting folks off of the less relevant issues they typically use to vote, but sure seems something other than a catastrophe and hurt pride would have been more appealing; say, "wisdom".
Incidentally, all the resulting "TEA party" event news (of April 15th, 2009) I witnessed, was utterly partisan. And without fail discussing taxes, hence the 15th being the chosen day... When none of the issues currently decaying our countries stability and potential future squarely related to taxes, nor are the 3% increases being proposed for those households making well over $250,000 a year representative of those holding signs and attending the events. While our decay is in part related to the catastrophic Federal Spending trends and resulting National Debt we now cope with; the Federal spending deficits are nothing more than the tiny tip of the iceberg.
And yes, understanding and dealing with this absolutely unimaginable National Debt is in large part my own desire and interest; I fortunately, also understand, we will all have to pay BIG for being asleep at the wheel all of these consecutive 8 years and combined past decades. Again, we will have to pay dearly, in the form of higher taxes for a good long time. Along with smaller government, reduced spending, etc... You just can't be "Anti-tax" & "Anti-debt". Those two don't mix for the moment, there is NO math to make that work... None!
This fact is not a valid protest-able point, it is a reality of life within the future of this country! In the private world when you wish to admit guilt where related to excessive debt and irresponsible spending, you might be able to declare chapter eleven or let credit cards be "charged off"; however, that is not an option for America as a whole. Therefore, we are forced to pay-up for all of our decades of unaffordable luxuries. ...period
The commitment has also been made by the current administration to reduce Federal Spending by 50% over the next 4 years, which is far more than the last administration ever attempted, to be sure; given the fact the previous administration handed over a 1.3 Trillion dollar annual deficit Federal Spending budget at the conclusion of their 8 years. (An 8 year period of time where they also controlled the house and the senate 75% of their reign.)
Of course none of this partisan / Washington D.C. frustration, even broaches the issue of the Financial Markets, Housing Market, Banking Industry, Stimulus Spending or Much less poorly made American Cars, and hundreds of struggling Domestic industries, etc....
Again, these are all separate issue of our Macro Economic turmoil, but folks now feel helpless (if not ashamed) and want to show their frustration on some pro-active level. While that in and of itself is certainly admirable, they sure can't trust Fox news to convey the genuine reason or message of those whom are intelligently approaching these issues such as yourself.
Therefor being potentially baited by such overall negative journalism, that rarely explains the differentials between all the issues; and aligning any demonstration efforts with such news outlets and their commercial advertising agendas; is, in my view more damaging than helpful, certainly when it confuses folks about what the future of America really entails.
People feel, and are told, each of these issues are a bit more intertwined financially or Federally than they are. Which is misleading. But confusion from voters is understandable, given the fact most recent leadership in this country has typically been chosen, based on issues surrounding, gay rights, abortions, stem cell research and religion. So the leadership we have assembled for decades has rarely had to worry about economics, intelligent fiscal policies, balanced spending, accountability, or appropriate regulations and all the things the Federal government really does directly impact and govern.
Additionally, the obvious and ironic fact is; those "representatives" we actually send to run the federal government have NEVER had a significant impact on gays, abortion, religion, etc... Those are still policies left to and policed by state and local legislation. The only way an administration or an office such as the president really impacts such issues is through their Federal supreme court appointments. Of which Bush 43 had a record setting three appointments, so we can assume a good amount of conservative thinking has been established in this area of federal or Supreme Court appeals. The point being, we have achieved the leadership over the years that we deserved, where related to Fiscal responsibility, because we voted on unrelated issues.
Do I feel we are trying to overcompensate now? Yes... Do I think most of the negative banter is misdirected? Yes... Do I feel I am hearing more negative banter form the very same folks who voted for those most responsible for where we now find ourselves? Ironically, yes... Do I think negativity alone will accomplish anything positive or prosperous? No!
I hear folks saying "capitalism is the solution," and yet as we dive into the Federal reserve bank (not to be confused with the Federal Budget,) to provide stimulus money, (which admittedly will ultimately cause HUGE inflation,) I find it ironic that "pro-capitalist" are not using their energy to exploit these HUGE funds to create industry, jobs, and prosperity. Especially, given the fact the financial markets are not currently in a position to finance their capitalistic visions. Being a "capitalist" is knowing when to capitalize, not simply criticizes. Keep your voice but also use your mind, or the whole spirit of this particular Republic will indeed die.
At the very least, this energetic group of vocal naysayers is most directly wasting everyone's time and money, by not contributing towards revolutionizing industry through entrepreneurial ingenuity. In my opinion, they are the ones most directly contributing to the death of capitalism in every way greed can and has also deservedly contributed.
I simply ask myself, is all of this negativity, late to the game complaining (or pride), Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem. I think the later...
What do you think?
I opened up the discussion with my following thoughts; "I'm worried my Facebook wall is too often serving as a blog! Sorry for all the political statements... But it is far better to talk here than listen to Fox, CNN or MSNBC... 24 hours news media has truly become a hoax of trying to blather on for 18 hours a day while selling ads; in hopes that the American population actually thinks they are learning something! Man, we are truly a naive bunch of folks sometimes..."
I additionally reposted a link from my March Facebook wall with the following explanation, "I originally shared this link back in March. See what you think? I am personally embarrassed for the number of my own friends whom participated in various "TEA party" demonstrations yesterday. Fox news is breading some REAL naive individuals!
I hope my friends are at least buying the products sponsoring the shows Fox is airing. Someone ought to be benefiting. It sure isn't the overall intelligence of our society.
I included the following quote on my original posting:
"When I saw this movie last summer my eyes were truly opened!
It explains things in a way no reporter, politician, teacher or publication ever has! Brilliant, simple and sobering... -MH"
This movie is now out on DVD!
I suggest anyone confused about taxes or our debt or the countries we are going further into the hole with, instead of paying for our own luxuries, watch it...
And please, someone research the difference between the cost of our Federal government and the funds being circulated as so called "bail outs"."
They responded with, "The point of the Tea Parties is to express disgust for the debt, for the out-of-control spending, for the so-called representatives who have become unprincipled crooks, for the bailouts and for feeling like they are not being "heard" by said crooks. (And then in a cruel twist of irony, Obama's press secretary states that he "doesn't even know if Obama knew about they tea parties.")
Contrary to what is being played out on the news channels, the feeling I got was not "Anti-Tax," but rather "Anti-debt." Isn't that what you are trying to say, as well? You are anti-debt?"
I thank most folks anger and seeming frustration with having a Democrat in the office is currently, SERIOUSLY misdirected. Correction, completely misdirected! Unfortunately, most folks/voters just weren't paying attention over the last eight years. However, they neither want to admit this, nor would dare admit prior to the house of cards being built and caving in, they were "asleep at the wheel".
(Side note: It is so bazaar to me with the feedom to do anythign we wish we have gravitated to a two party system we feel is representative of 360,000,000 opinions! Really? Two sets of values and opinions for 360 million minds and hearts?)
Early last year (2008), I kept hoping for a Ross Perot of 16 years ago to surface, (bare with me,) someone to simply "wake up" either party which had a realistic chance of winning. I wanted someone to find the courage and inspiration to address the REAL issues, and present a candidacy with the energy and intelligence to tackle the actual catastrophic problems underpinning America's bleak future.
I had no idea the private sector's financial markets would serve as just such a wake-up call only weeks prior to November. So this embarrassing issue of greed and corruptions in the private sector also gave rise to America's belated awareness or responsiveness, and unfortunately hurt our ferocious pride, as people attempted to get energized in the final weeks of voting on so many other unrelated macroeconomic issues. Well, at least I got my wish of getting folks off of the less relevant issues they typically use to vote, but sure seems something other than a catastrophe and hurt pride would have been more appealing; say, "wisdom".
Incidentally, all the resulting "TEA party" event news (of April 15th, 2009) I witnessed, was utterly partisan. And without fail discussing taxes, hence the 15th being the chosen day... When none of the issues currently decaying our countries stability and potential future squarely related to taxes, nor are the 3% increases being proposed for those households making well over $250,000 a year representative of those holding signs and attending the events. While our decay is in part related to the catastrophic Federal Spending trends and resulting National Debt we now cope with; the Federal spending deficits are nothing more than the tiny tip of the iceberg.
And yes, understanding and dealing with this absolutely unimaginable National Debt is in large part my own desire and interest; I fortunately, also understand, we will all have to pay BIG for being asleep at the wheel all of these consecutive 8 years and combined past decades. Again, we will have to pay dearly, in the form of higher taxes for a good long time. Along with smaller government, reduced spending, etc... You just can't be "Anti-tax" & "Anti-debt". Those two don't mix for the moment, there is NO math to make that work... None!
This fact is not a valid protest-able point, it is a reality of life within the future of this country! In the private world when you wish to admit guilt where related to excessive debt and irresponsible spending, you might be able to declare chapter eleven or let credit cards be "charged off"; however, that is not an option for America as a whole. Therefore, we are forced to pay-up for all of our decades of unaffordable luxuries. ...period
The commitment has also been made by the current administration to reduce Federal Spending by 50% over the next 4 years, which is far more than the last administration ever attempted, to be sure; given the fact the previous administration handed over a 1.3 Trillion dollar annual deficit Federal Spending budget at the conclusion of their 8 years. (An 8 year period of time where they also controlled the house and the senate 75% of their reign.)
Of course none of this partisan / Washington D.C. frustration, even broaches the issue of the Financial Markets, Housing Market, Banking Industry, Stimulus Spending or Much less poorly made American Cars, and hundreds of struggling Domestic industries, etc....
Again, these are all separate issue of our Macro Economic turmoil, but folks now feel helpless (if not ashamed) and want to show their frustration on some pro-active level. While that in and of itself is certainly admirable, they sure can't trust Fox news to convey the genuine reason or message of those whom are intelligently approaching these issues such as yourself.
Therefor being potentially baited by such overall negative journalism, that rarely explains the differentials between all the issues; and aligning any demonstration efforts with such news outlets and their commercial advertising agendas; is, in my view more damaging than helpful, certainly when it confuses folks about what the future of America really entails.
People feel, and are told, each of these issues are a bit more intertwined financially or Federally than they are. Which is misleading. But confusion from voters is understandable, given the fact most recent leadership in this country has typically been chosen, based on issues surrounding, gay rights, abortions, stem cell research and religion. So the leadership we have assembled for decades has rarely had to worry about economics, intelligent fiscal policies, balanced spending, accountability, or appropriate regulations and all the things the Federal government really does directly impact and govern.
Additionally, the obvious and ironic fact is; those "representatives" we actually send to run the federal government have NEVER had a significant impact on gays, abortion, religion, etc... Those are still policies left to and policed by state and local legislation. The only way an administration or an office such as the president really impacts such issues is through their Federal supreme court appointments. Of which Bush 43 had a record setting three appointments, so we can assume a good amount of conservative thinking has been established in this area of federal or Supreme Court appeals. The point being, we have achieved the leadership over the years that we deserved, where related to Fiscal responsibility, because we voted on unrelated issues.
Do I feel we are trying to overcompensate now? Yes... Do I think most of the negative banter is misdirected? Yes... Do I feel I am hearing more negative banter form the very same folks who voted for those most responsible for where we now find ourselves? Ironically, yes... Do I think negativity alone will accomplish anything positive or prosperous? No!
I hear folks saying "capitalism is the solution," and yet as we dive into the Federal reserve bank (not to be confused with the Federal Budget,) to provide stimulus money, (which admittedly will ultimately cause HUGE inflation,) I find it ironic that "pro-capitalist" are not using their energy to exploit these HUGE funds to create industry, jobs, and prosperity. Especially, given the fact the financial markets are not currently in a position to finance their capitalistic visions. Being a "capitalist" is knowing when to capitalize, not simply criticizes. Keep your voice but also use your mind, or the whole spirit of this particular Republic will indeed die.
At the very least, this energetic group of vocal naysayers is most directly wasting everyone's time and money, by not contributing towards revolutionizing industry through entrepreneurial ingenuity. In my opinion, they are the ones most directly contributing to the death of capitalism in every way greed can and has also deservedly contributed.
I simply ask myself, is all of this negativity, late to the game complaining (or pride), Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem. I think the later...
What do you think?
How misdirected energy will be the death of capitalism!
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
This does completely change the game!
I have been meaning to explain and comment on the ever growing popularity of Virtualization or Virtual Machines (VMs) for the last two years. A recently announced innovation in cloud computing, secretly under development over the last seven years by, was unveiled and explained in detail during this years Game Developers Conference.
Such an innovative method of capitalizing on centralized processing and remote systems administrations has never been more effectively presented, nor more capable of taking advantage of the Internet's advancing average bandwidth, than Onlive's example application. Admittedly this video is describing an "On Demand Gaming" service; however, it is further illustrating a new form of high-end cloud computing, featuring real-time high definition graphic results. Furthermore, it is an example of a centralized computing environment which will dramatically capitalized on the substantial advantages of virtualized computing.
The innovation and results demonstrated in the presentation video below, are far more reaching than initially described. Onlive's dependency on virtualization and this groundbreaking, progressive, example of cloud computing, are more than just a glimpse of the future. The presented synergy of "cloud computing" and virtualization are a blatant leap forward and a genuine view of technology which must be considered and soon adopted by any progressive technology dependent institution or company.
It is a natural bridge to soon apply this technology towards instantly delivering and executing advanced, graphic demanding, state-of-the-art CAD (Computer aided design) applications for use within any architect, engineer or city planner's design and review process. Alternatively providing such professional applications could yield a system capable of unlimited, cloud based, clustered GPU results; simulating photo-realistic, full-motion computer generated output in real-time for any design project under development and review.
This is an opportunity that will LEVEL the playing field for even the smallest of A&E service firms which could benefit from high-end technology normally beyond their budgetary considerations or daily requirements. Drastically reducing typical cost associated with a local IT staffing and large departments. No software upgrades to worry about, license codes to manage, sophisticated hardware purchases to upgrade each year, or equipment leases to exchange, renew or turn in every two years.
The game has truly changed! Now you know why AutoDesk is one of Onlive's venture capitol partners to Onlive's unique process! Not to mention the inspiration AutoDesk will have to prepare their game authoring tools to take advantage of this new model in Game distribution.
Virtualization has been a fast expanding, emerging technology for consumers over the last couple of years; one which best exploits and better utilizes all available computing resources within any company, educational institution or ISP. It promises the ability to dramatically capitalize (or amortize) the huge repetitive and often underutilized investment in CPUs and related software and technology. When properly implemented Virtual Machines can offer HUGE cost savings for the end user. Helping to avoiding the surmounting annual cost associated with built in obsolescence and continued maintenance.
Virtualiztion drastically reduces any concerns or efforts spent upgrading and maintaining systems as well as their application and base OSs. Additionally, the technology leverages far fewer attached, physical servers in order to accomplish far more task. Furthermore these advantages and efficiencies may be applied on a company wide basis; not just in the "server rooms", additionally serving as a foundation for each end user's workstation throughout the company.
Despite all of these advantages, IT departments are, as usual, slow to adopt and implement this exciting progression in computing, cost savings and efficiency. The bottom line is, the cost of implementing such VM environment pays for itself in the first year of operation or less. Hesitations in utilizing VM's is more likely due to the lack of understanding its implementation and inability to fully calculate the financial advantageous which are crucial barriers for any institution or company to solve prior to risking innovative thinking.
Such an innovative method of capitalizing on centralized processing and remote systems administrations has never been more effectively presented, nor more capable of taking advantage of the Internet's advancing average bandwidth, than Onlive's example application. Admittedly this video is describing an "On Demand Gaming" service; however, it is further illustrating a new form of high-end cloud computing, featuring real-time high definition graphic results. Furthermore, it is an example of a centralized computing environment which will dramatically capitalized on the substantial advantages of virtualized computing.
The innovation and results demonstrated in the presentation video below, are far more reaching than initially described. Onlive's dependency on virtualization and this groundbreaking, progressive, example of cloud computing, are more than just a glimpse of the future. The presented synergy of "cloud computing" and virtualization are a blatant leap forward and a genuine view of technology which must be considered and soon adopted by any progressive technology dependent institution or company.
It is a natural bridge to soon apply this technology towards instantly delivering and executing advanced, graphic demanding, state-of-the-art CAD (Computer aided design) applications for use within any architect, engineer or city planner's design and review process. Alternatively providing such professional applications could yield a system capable of unlimited, cloud based, clustered GPU results; simulating photo-realistic, full-motion computer generated output in real-time for any design project under development and review.
This is an opportunity that will LEVEL the playing field for even the smallest of A&E service firms which could benefit from high-end technology normally beyond their budgetary considerations or daily requirements. Drastically reducing typical cost associated with a local IT staffing and large departments. No software upgrades to worry about, license codes to manage, sophisticated hardware purchases to upgrade each year, or equipment leases to exchange, renew or turn in every two years.
The game has truly changed! Now you know why AutoDesk is one of Onlive's venture capitol partners to Onlive's unique process! Not to mention the inspiration AutoDesk will have to prepare their game authoring tools to take advantage of this new model in Game distribution.
Virtualization has been a fast expanding, emerging technology for consumers over the last couple of years; one which best exploits and better utilizes all available computing resources within any company, educational institution or ISP. It promises the ability to dramatically capitalize (or amortize) the huge repetitive and often underutilized investment in CPUs and related software and technology. When properly implemented Virtual Machines can offer HUGE cost savings for the end user. Helping to avoiding the surmounting annual cost associated with built in obsolescence and continued maintenance.
Virtualiztion drastically reduces any concerns or efforts spent upgrading and maintaining systems as well as their application and base OSs. Additionally, the technology leverages far fewer attached, physical servers in order to accomplish far more task. Furthermore these advantages and efficiencies may be applied on a company wide basis; not just in the "server rooms", additionally serving as a foundation for each end user's workstation throughout the company.
Despite all of these advantages, IT departments are, as usual, slow to adopt and implement this exciting progression in computing, cost savings and efficiency. The bottom line is, the cost of implementing such VM environment pays for itself in the first year of operation or less. Hesitations in utilizing VM's is more likely due to the lack of understanding its implementation and inability to fully calculate the financial advantageous which are crucial barriers for any institution or company to solve prior to risking innovative thinking.
This does completely change the game!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Is going green important? How inconvenient is the truth?
How connected are we?
Why is going green important?
How does each country and each person's actions affect those all across this great planet? Whether you feel there is an "inconvenient truth" or not, some facts are undeniable. Watch this video below to better understand the impact we all have on one another.
(After the 30sec ad, press the "Full Screen" icon in the upper right corner to enlarge video.)
Why is going green important?
How does each country and each person's actions affect those all across this great planet? Whether you feel there is an "inconvenient truth" or not, some facts are undeniable. Watch this video below to better understand the impact we all have on one another.
(After the 30sec ad, press the "Full Screen" icon in the upper right corner to enlarge video.)
Is going green important? How inconvenient is the truth?
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Friday, January 2, 2009
157 mile per gallon - weeee
A Honda Civic gets about 38 miles per gallon, which isn't bad, especially compared to the 16mpg I used to get from my Ford Expedition. However, a little Honda can't even begin to compare with this 2+2 coupe from German-based Loremo AG. How does 157mpg grab ya?'
The £8,000 ($15,055USD) Loremo LS weighs just 992 lbs and features a two cylinder turbo-diesel engine pumping out a hardly earth shattering 20HP. The mid-engine, RWD coupe gets roughly 157 miles per gallon and has a cruising range of 807 miles. It goes 0-60 in 20 seconds and has a top speed of 99 MPH.''
A more powerful £9,000($16,937USD) Leromo GT will also be available. It weighs in slightly more at 1,036 lbs and features a 3 cylinder turbo-diesel with 50 HP. It gets 87 miles per gallon, has a cruising range of 497 miles, goes 0-60 in 9 seconds and tops out at 137 MPH.
'What could be better than a car that gets 157mpg, 87mpg if you get the up-gunned 'sport' package, and seats a family of four? How about a car that can be filled up for about $15?
The only drawback, aside from its lack of discernible lack of doors and diminutive rear seats, is that it doesn't go into production until late 2009.
The £8,000 ($15,055USD) Loremo LS weighs just 992 lbs and features a two cylinder turbo-diesel engine pumping out a hardly earth shattering 20HP. The mid-engine, RWD coupe gets roughly 157 miles per gallon and has a cruising range of 807 miles. It goes 0-60 in 20 seconds and has a top speed of 99 MPH.''
A more powerful £9,000($16,937USD) Leromo GT will also be available. It weighs in slightly more at 1,036 lbs and features a 3 cylinder turbo-diesel with 50 HP. It gets 87 miles per gallon, has a cruising range of 497 miles, goes 0-60 in 9 seconds and tops out at 137 MPH.
'What could be better than a car that gets 157mpg, 87mpg if you get the up-gunned 'sport' package, and seats a family of four? How about a car that can be filled up for about $15?
The only drawback, aside from its lack of discernible lack of doors and diminutive rear seats, is that it doesn't go into production until late 2009.
157 mile per gallon - weeee
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