A recent post I placed on my Facebook Wall:
"Apple's returned to an age-old business model: vertical integration. iPods don't work with any software but iTunes; iTunes doesn't work with phones or MP3 players Apple doesn't make. The integration has reached a peak with the iPad, an Apple computer based on an Apple processor running Apple's operating system, whose applications must come via Apple's App Store, and whose paid-for content will largely come via iTunes. It's the ultimate lock-in: if you decide in the future to buy a rival's product, you'll be starting again from scratch."
Read more: "26 reasons Apple fan boys have got it all wrong For every iPhone there's an i-rritation or an i-nnoyance : TechRadar UK"
So, I've had it with Apple!
Admittedly, the last straw was primarily over the destruction caused within their most recent addition to the new NDA-protected license agreement; specifically, clause "3.3.1".
This clause has already frustrated developers in the past because there are tasks that developers would like to perform that can only be achieved through private APIs; though some have taken a risk and submitted applications that use such APIs, the result is often that the application is denied.The original clause stated:3.3.1 — Applications may only use Documented APIs in the manner prescribed by Apple and must not use or call any private APIs.
The new version of 3.3.1 reads:3.3.1 — Applications may only use Documented APIs in the manner prescribed by Apple and must not use or call any private APIs. Applications must be originally written in Objective-C, C, C++, or JavaScript as executed by the iPhone OS WebKit engine, and only code written in C, C++, and Objective-C may compile and directly link against the Documented APIs (e.g., Applications that link to Documented APIs through an intermediary translation or compatibility layer or tool are prohibited).Things just got a whole lot more restrictive for iPhone developers.
It is like the early days of Apple all over again!
No big surprise I guess given who has been back in charge for some time. Apple continues to head the wrong way, down a path that is useless for the broader consumer market; and I sure hope they don't pull any part of the more useful areas of the technology or the entertainment industry with them.
The key statement there is "the broader consumer market", there are reasons they are best to stick with commanding a simple "cult following". Anything more would be counter destructive to the tech industry as a whole and the broader consumer market.
A Positive Side Note:
On the bright side, here is one way to improve a core feature in OS-X; A Great File Manager:
- Video Demo: http://s3.amazonaws.com/media.cocoatech.com/PF5OverviewSmall.mov
- Where to get: http://www.cocoatech.com/
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