An unlikely candidate:
Texas currently ranks 51! LAST - even including D.C. in terms of handing out HS diplomas to those enrolled in our public schools. and 45! - 6 from the bottom in terms of the results our students who do receive diplomas are taking away! SHAMEFUL!
Certainly seems rather unlikely that a man who has been in office for a decade accomplishing as little as he has to shape up anything in this state where related to our school systems, would have a very intelligent take on reforming education in Texas, or anywhere for that matter. Instead, I'm more likely to believe politics is just that; and our kids are secondary to any politicians career goals and unmentioned agendas. Not to mention his points about competitiveness in a capitalistic, free-market society, obviously have little bearing on where Texas has ever ranked in education.
Testimonies -VS- Titillation:
Like I always say - it is much better to follow our own testimonies (when evaluating the truth of this typical political rhetoric,) rather than be enthralled by titillation and slick speeches. This advice is especially important when partisan motivations are at hand; such as when a Governor is one party and the individuals plan he is speaking against is being spearheaded by another party. Isn't disagreeing a given in this case, whether or not it is good for our country, state or our children? I wouldn't trust this Governors position on this any further than I can throw him. His results and "reputation" he seems so found of, are what speaks for his ability to assess this topic and be trusted as an authority here.
"Catering to Diversity":
So he doesn't want a "one size fits all" mentality to education in this country. He feels Texas will do a better job independently determining the best education reform and path. Has this been something that our state government has EVER proven it could handle, innovation, disseminate and get results with it's own version of "education reform". After all, we are now simply scrambling to overhaul and reform our own last pathetic reform efforts. Those are after all the same attempts and ignorant movements which have our state pathetically ranked and positioned right were it remains.
- "the real demographic shift will come when today’s second- and third-graders — who are Hispanic and low-income in higher percentages than today’s Texas teenagers — get into high school. In 2008, the Hispanic population represented 36 percent of all Texans, but 46 percent of births, according to the Pew Hispanic Center. The latest enrollment report from the Texas Education Agency, from the 2008-09 school year, shows that Hispanic students now account for 48 percent of public school enrollment — and 65 percent of pre-kindergarten enrollment."
Can't possibly imagine how his "catering to diversity" stance, nor customizing the school system accordingly; whatever that means?; will help us gain any ground in education and the global workforce and economy we are competing with. Since Mexico is not the country who's competition we are concerned with nor wishing to model.
When will he propose a solution -VS- objections:
Would sure love to hear him suggest actual solutions to the mess he has our state in though. Speak directly (rather than politically) at the actually issues effecting our State's finances and VERY dated method of educating! In the ten years he has been in charge what has he learned, and what is being applied? You would think he could go on and on with some sort of intelligence in this matter more directly / specifically.
Certainly, no time to be a party of "No"! It is time to actually use all of his wise experience in office (if I am to believe that is what he has,) and actually apply it to ANY real solutions!
Certainly, no time to be a party of "No"! It is time to actually use all of his wise experience in office (if I am to believe that is what he has,) and actually apply it to ANY real solutions!
Student Characteristics:
Number enrolled: 4,752,148
Percent in Title I schools: 75.2%
With Individualized Education Programs (IEP): 9.5%
Percent in limited-English proficiency programs: 15.1%
Percent eligible for free/reduced lunch: 48.8%
Racial/Ethnic Background:
White: 34.0%
Black: 14.2%
Hispanic: 47.9%
Asian/Pacific Islander: 3.6%
American Indian/Alaskan Native: 0.4%
School/District Characteristics:
Number of school districts: 1032*
Number of schools: 9283
Number of charter schools: 521
Per-pupil expenditures: $8,486
Pupil/teacher ratio: 14.5
Number of FTE teachers: 327,905
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