The Lytro Camera!
Folks with careers in Computer Animation will appreciate the continued fact, real world technology is now even closer to mimicking the post-production opportunities of those frames rendered from within the virtual worlds we have been privy to illustrating and manipulating for decades.
First the XBOX Kinects brings live Z-depth recognition (and combines/utilizes it with real-time motion capture) to any living room (And becomes the fastest selling piece of consumer electronics in the process.); now the Lytro brings, "Light Field Capturing" to a tiny, one click, (sub $400,) hand-held, camera!
Not only are the depth of every captured pixels understood by this camera, but also the direction of every 11 million light points (not to be confused with the pixels), it is capable of simultaneously detecting.
The term "fix it in post" is becoming rather unreal (as in, unimaginable) reality!!
Visit the Camera new website here to learn all the technical details:
You can also see some fascinating example of photos taken with their camera within the company's "Living" Picture Gallery or on their Blog.
There are already several little reviews of the first consumer version of this tehcnology available all over the web, such as the following:
To read Ren Ng PhD disertation on his technolog Click Here:
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